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/ 2 min read

Hi folks

Welcome. Thank you for visiting this site. Currently, this site is quite empty, there’s barely anything worth checking here, though I’ll try filling this site from now on.

Why though?

I wanted to do something productive, cause I haven’t achieved anything remarkable even though I have finished high school. Since typing is something I am quite good at, why not write blogs or articles or something like that I thought.

Also I have been writing code for quite a while, though most of them are from me following tutorials blindly, not understanding what the heck am I writing, so why not try more of that. That’s why I decided to write in my website.

I said ‘my’ but this is just another people’s template which styles I modified smh. Adding this to the list of things I shouldn’t be proud of.


I wonder what should I write here. I don’t even write notes or anything like that, maybe that’s why I forgot most thing nowadays.

I don’t even check calendar or keep daily schedules and my time are spend mostly by unproductive activities like mindless scrolling and playing games.

Well, I guess it’s not bad to try. Hopefully I can try better next time.

Maybe I will write my learning notes here, you know like the Feynman method where you learn by teaching others, my notes will be something like that. Though I don’t know if what I write is even correct haha.

Why here?

If I write in other site my article will probably be flagged as false information cause I don’t even know what am I writing.

More reason why I don’t write in other site is because my english suck. If you’re fluent in english you’ll probably notice my broken grammar and roundabout way of writing from reading text in this site.

What else?

I wonder is it even worth it writing here. It’s not like anyone is using this site other than me anyways. There’s a lot of other platforms more suited for writing article like this for example Medium,, or LinkedIn.

Speaking of LinkedIn, I hate how the site has become more of a social media than jobseeking website like it used to be, though that’s just me.


That’s it. See ya later nonexistent reader :3.